Monday 19 October 2015

17th October 2015 (Week 5 Reflection - Replacement)

For today's lesson, we learnt the chapter Observation. We learnt how to describe observation in scientific theory. I have learnt that observation is the distinction of external virtues since it is the contact of theory to the outside world. Observation becomes the source of the world inputs and guidance over our describing and modelling. I have also understood that the separation of external from internal virtues under a presumption that the worlds input through observation puts the external features beyond our control in the sense that it is not possible to force the observations to come out one way or another. The concept of observation is used liberally by scientists to judge the sort of things that they claimed they have observed. I also learnt that observation is a very important aspect in a scientific process, however it is important to give emphasis on this matter so that the importance of observation does not get lost in the analysis.

I have also understood the importance of observation when under going the scientific process. Observation is the decisive and authoritative arbiter of truth in science. Observations are inter-subjective as they are accessible by anyone and agreeable to everyone. The danger of error and bias and the products of thought could be just artifacts which might not have any relation to the real world. Observation on the other hand is hoped to be just the facts which are the unaltered information from the world.

Picture 1 : A description on observation
As we know, science is like a true and false exam as we must responsibly decide, among proposed theories, which to endorse as true. The important issue is which of the answers can be checked and agreed upon. The focus here must be on the observational report rather than on the physical event of sensation. Sensationalism here is a form of Empiricism that limits experience as a source of knowledge to sensation or sense perceptions.

I have also understood that in science, we have to look at accountable observations. Accountable observations are observations that we as scientist would like to see it participate in the scientific process. Observations can be useful to science if it some or rather make a contact with a theory as a proof or refutation in the future, Science can make use of observations only if they are accountable. However, accountability has two distinctive aspects. Firstly, an observation must be informative, must be an account of something  to serve as justification of other claims. Secondly, observation must be justified in the sense of being certifiable and are not haphazard or uncontrolled. These two features are required for observation to be informative and useful contributors to knowledge. To be evidence for a theory, an observation must be evidence of something. It is important for us to know that a useful observation must be reported in an informational form. In order to serve as justification, an observation must have some assertive content where it is half of the requirement of accountability. The other half is would be that observation report must be justified by itself if it is to have sufficient assertive authority to prove other claims. I have also understood that observations must be carefully done, carried out repeatedly in a controlled way, under proper conditions. In science, an observation cannot be entered as evidence unless it can be accredited.

I have also learn the two edges of accountability where firstly, in order to contribute to science or knowledge, an observation must be about something, be informative, assertive, and propositional. Next, the observational report has to be accurately about what it claims to be about. However, there are observational distortions that result from unsuitable conditions. Some of the examples are, an observer may be improperly attentive or too far way, the viewing conditions may be too dark or littered with obstructions or there may be an interference from outside sources causing a distorted view.

In this chapter, we also looked at the the Relationship of Theory and Observations. The discussion is stated in the padlet link below.

I have also understood about the Theory-Laden Observation as well as the similarities and differences between observing and reading. The discussion was written in both the padlet links below respectively.

The one thing that I would need help in would definitely be in order to understand the Theory-Laden Observation in more depth. I think with more reading and further discussion I would be able to understand this subject matter better. A little research on this topic would definitely increase my knowledge on it.

I would definitely use this knowledge in my future teaching by making my students to know the importance of observation in science and which ones can be acceptable and which ones cannot be. I would also enhance their understanding by teaching them about accountable observations with real life examples so that it would expand their knowledge as well as preach them on how to think like a scientist when conducting scientific experiments.

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