For today's lesson, we first did a recap on Chapter 4 which is Confirmation that we learnt last week. We were given more explanation on the Scientific Inquiry Method where Ms Nor gave us real life examples for instance to relate it back to how scientist used the Scientific Inquiry Method to proof their theory right. Also referring back to the Hypothetico-Deductive Model of Confirmation, Ms Nor explained more on genetic engineering and gave us a brief explanation on it. We also understood what was the difference between hypothesis and a prediction. A hypothesis is said to come before prediction where a hypothesis is tested by experimenting it and then the results are predicted. We were also given more explanation on auxiliary theory.
Picture 1 : The difference between hypothesis and prediction
We then begin the new chapter which was Chapter 5, Underdetermination. In the philosophy of science, underdetermination refers to situations where the evidence available is insufficient to identify which belief we should hold about that evidence. We were asked to watch the video below to understand what underdetermination is better.
From this video, I have learnt that underdetermination is the phenomenon by where there are at least two distinctive or alternative theories that fit the same data set. In theory there can be any number of possible theories fitting the same set of data. As we see underdetermination where it relates to scientific theory, it occurs wherever there are empirical equivalent theories. An example for it would be Newton's cosmology. Underdetermination usually occurs when the evidence used to support the particular theory (T1) can also be used to support a different theory (T2). The consequence of underdetermination in science is that it becomes difficult to tell if there are true scientific claims and theories, and scientific realism is threatened. Instead, the other theory may be supported as true by modification of its background assumptions. I have also learn that theories are said to be underdetermined when there are plausible multiple theories that fit the facts. Both theories seem equally valid, and as such it is underdetermined whether or not all the experiences are dreams or reality. I have also understood the aims of science and the explanation of it. The link of the explanation is in the padlet below.
I have also learn the responsible abilities of science and also the significance of observability.
The thing which I would need help in is in understanding the responsible abilities of science and the significance of observability. I would have to read this two parts a few more times in order to understand better what are they explaining about. I would also have to conduct a few researches online in order to understand this subject matter properly.
As for how will I use this knowledge in the future for my teaching, I will be able to explain the use of underdetermination to my students and make them understand the importance of it in Science. I will also learn how to use this knowledge of science to help them understand a scientific matter better and enhance their understanding on it by giving real life examples.
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