Friday 11 September 2015

10 September 2015 (Week 3 Reflection)

          First of all, to
day's lesson was indeed interesting as we had the presentation about Scientific Theory and Law. I have learnt that Scientific Theory and Scientific Law differ from one another. To begin with a few similarities between the two, they are supported by facts and both Scientific Theory and Law can be used to make predictions. When it comes to differences, Scientific Law explains what happens and it has already been tested and proved numerous times. For example, Boyle's Law (gas law) which states that the pressure and volume are inversely proportional when the temperature is held constant. Scientific theory however explains why and how a phenomena occurs and it is tested repeatedly and are confirmed through observations and experiments. For instance, The Big Bang Theory which postulates that the universe began almost 14 billion years ago with a massive expansion event. I have also understood a few misconceptions of Scientific Theory which are firstly, theories are not real and there is a connection between hypothesis theories and laws. I understood the difference between hypothesis, theories and laws where theories and laws are supported by experiments but not a hypothesis. I have also figured out that hypothesis is an educated prediction that can be tested by conducting experiments. I have learnt how to write a hypothesis using important key words like 'if' and 'then' in the statement.

                                        Picture 1 : Differences between Law, Theories and Hypothesis

          The one thing that I feel I need help in is writing a hypothesis from a given statement. I still find difficulty in using the right words in order to create a perfect hypothesis. For instance, the growth of the tomato plant depends on the amount of sunlight obtained. To identify the quantity of light that is obtained by the tomato plant in order to grow faster is the problem I am facing.

          As we saw the presentation earlier in class, the visuals and ideas used were very appealing and interesting. It also helped our understanding about the differences between the Scientific Theories and Laws. Therefore, I will apply these same ideas to teach my students in order for them to engage with the topic well as well as find it interesting and meaningful at the same time.

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